Closely following Alex’s the Business Model Generation and Mark Johnson’s Seizing the White Space; “Rethinking business model for innovation” edited by valérie chanal and contributed by a host of experts puts together lessons learnt from entreprerneurial projects. This one comes from France and has an authentic and deep flavor of inquiry into business model innovation and more importantly, how they be introduced and practiced by incubation centers to make it beneficial to spin-offs and startups.
The newness brought in by Rethinking business model for innovation is the adaption of business model to the non linearity of the business progression. While it describes the relationship between thinking, modelling, and also field-testing, its emphasis on first and the last issue is significant. The book is based on a series of recent cases of innovation involving company managers, often assisted by researchers (the co-authors of each chapter), and how they built and formalised their Business Models and then tested their strategies.
I have just a part of it and want to devote a longer time in going through it word by it. The original book due for publication in paper form is in French; but the team has been generous to publish an e-book free to download. Here is the link, Rethinking business model for innovation.
Strongly recommended for those who want to innovate their business model and want to make the real difference. Incubation center managers, mentors and trainers involved in reviewing new businesses and verifying business plans, will find this book of immense value in giving exposure of business model to their clients.
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