After the theory on Emerging Nations and BRICS… Ruchir Sharma gives a new dimension through his Breakout Nations theory and rings out what could prevent the pampered high growth nations from achieving a potential to reach developed nation status.…He mentions, “In early stage of development, emerging nations can narrow the income gap with rich nations with relative waste, by borrowing or copying the technology and management tools of cutting edge nations. At a certain point however, emerging nations have borrowed all they can and need to start innovating and inventing on their own, and many fail at this challenge. Their economies suddenly stop growing faster than those in the rich nations, and thus they stop catching up. They have hit the middle income trap, where they can idle for years, like unhappy resident of a lower middle class suburb….” Ruchir Sharma, Breakout Nations- In pursuit of next economic miracles.
Notwithstanding the warning from Ruchir Sharma, India is way short of even adopting technology and management techniques in an all encompassing way. As far as innovation is considered… it is at very early stage. A part of this initiative is appearing in improving manufacturing competitiveness of India’s MSMEs and it starts at innovation through Design. Though, I wonder why not so in Service Industry, when a vast majority of GDP as well as employment is in Service Sectors.
National Manufacturing Competitive Council under its NMCP and in line with the new manufacturing policy has rolled out program to establish Design culture amongst MSMEs in India. This was long overdue.
The goal is to help MSME manufacturing industries move up the value chain by switching the production mode from original equipment manufacturing to original design manufacturing and hence original brand manufacturing.
The objective of its flagship program, Design Clinic scheme is to enhance industry understanding and application of design and innovation, and to promote design as a value adding activity and integrate it into mainstream business and industrial processes of MSME’s.
It aims to bring Indian manufacturing sector and design expertise on to a common platform and to provide expert advice and cost effective solutions on real time design problems, resulting in new product development or continuous improvement and value addition for existing products.
Design Clinics scheme will be implemented through National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad who will act as single coordinating body responsible for delivering the scheme.
The Design Clinic scheme will help MSME’s to avail independent advice on all aspects of design. It helps MSME’s realize and achieve their design-related objectives. Practical support is provided to MSMEs via one-to-one advice, seminars, and workshops. This specialist advice is provided by experienced designers for new product development as well as enhancing existing product portfolio.
To read further… down load the full document : Building Design Capability
You can also view the full document at SlideShare.
wish you happy reading.