Are metrics always measured on Analog Scale (e.g. % or on a scale of 10) Employees are hired to do specific tasks and are expected to perform specific activities by providing specific skills. The season for goal setting is just a quarter away and the corporate HR is busy with setting a new metrics for
Following question was posted in LinkedIN Group “Operation Management in Practice”. <Start>How can you change a culture from “Firefighting” to every employee looking for ways to improve tomorrow? Can you give ideas that you have used to motivate employees to look at their process for innovations and productivity changes? Can you also mention the most
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The direction to solution which promises enhanced performance of Warehouse, while reducing the operating expenses appears on the homepage of (in the “Hot on LinkedIn” section) today at 11AM. Constraint in warehouse [slideshare id=8976762&w=425&h=355&fb=0&mw=0&mh=0&sc=no] View more presentations from shridharlolla
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