At the current level of social security, Indians spend almost 75% of medical expenses out of pocket. And of these, over 70% goes to medicine. This shows a big contrast, as well as a differentiating insight for Pharma Companies, who are used to operating in regulated markets, in knowing that their business model must be
Draft. Also can be dowloaded from Slideshare. “Airlines in India are in turmoil”, this has been now the headlines for over a couple of years now. The argument goes like this: Indian aviation market is one of world’s most expensive one, due to high levies on fuel, (appx 24%) and airport charges, (while the base
There is a belief that a vast majority of population still needs to grow in terms of physical necessities and convenience that help them have better life. And the need for service will follow that. So if development has to happen for a region, it must grow internally and local manufacturing must grow significantly to
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